There is a growing interest in to use of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning (DL) within medical education. In fact, AI is a mediator to induce deep learning in undergraduate medical education.
In a letter to the editor of the Journal of Academic Medicine, Prashar stated his experience. His institution in London offers a degree in mathematics and computing to third-year medical students. The program is aimed to promote the programming and AI skills in medical students training to produce doctors with such skills which will be adopted in clinical and research setting in the future. During the 1-year program, students receive basic training in pure mathematics, programming, mathematical modeling, and AI theory. Students are provided with this program before being given the opportunity to undertake supervised biomedical research projects.
In Prashar’s mind, even a superficial awareness of students about AI could help to remove the effects of the “black box”, the resistance to widespread adaptation in medicine. It also could be beneficial to appraise critically the AI-based intervention which helps to implement AI in medicine.
Since AI and DL are important to transform medical education, medical educators may necessarily find ways to integrate them into medical education curriculum.
AI and DL are important to integrate into medical education. However, it is important to understand when, how, and why AI and incorporated skills should be provided for students.
Prashar, Jai1 Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education, Academic Medicine: September 2021 – Volume 96 – Issue 9 – p 1229-doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000004182